Who will use Crainio?
Crainio will initially be used by doctors tending to patients with TBI in the secondary care setting. In time we will look to make the technology available to all clinical staff (paramedics and primary care doctors) and then to the public to assess seriousness of mild to moderate head injuries.
When will Crainio be released?
Crainio is currently being developed as a medical device: clinical studies are being set up to demonstrate the clinical utility and accuracy of the technology with further engineering envisaged to enable CE marking accreditation. We envisage crainio being on the market in 2026.
Who invented Crainio?
The technology behind Crainio was invented by a team led by Professor Panicos Kyriacou at City, University of London in the UK. Crainio is a UK based company.
News from Crainio

Crainio wins grant from Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst programme
November 2023. Crainio, the leading non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement company, has received a significant grant from the Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst programme for the

Crainio wins grant from NIHR FAST programme
April 2023. Crainio, the leading non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement company, has received a significant grant from the NIHR FAST programme for the further development

Crainio CTO wins Mercia Award
Maria Roldan (Crainio’s CTO) has won the Worshipful Company of Engineers Mercia Award 2022 for her research on Non-invasive Multimodal Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury.

Crainio technology awarded STEM for Britain Gold Medal (Engineering)
Dr Tomas Abay received the Gold Metal for Engineering at the STEM for Britain awards held on March 9th, 2020, at the House of Commons.