Crainio wins grant from Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst programme

November 2023. Crainio, the leading non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement company, has received a significant grant from the Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst programme for the further development of its non-invasive ICP technology. The £500K grant, awarded to Crainio in collaboration with City, University of London and Barts NHS Trust, will enable a clinical feasibility study […]
Crainio wins grant from NIHR FAST programme

April 2023. Crainio, the leading non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement company, has received a significant grant from the NIHR FAST programme for the further development of its non-invasive ICP technology. The grant will support further enhancements to the design of the sensor that is temporarily attached to the patient’s forehead. Research will focus on optimising […]
Crainio CTO wins Mercia Award

Maria Roldan (Crainio’s CTO) has won the Worshipful Company of Engineers Mercia Award 2022 for her research on Non-invasive Multimodal Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury. The Award is made annually to a student for a postgraduate paper describing how engineering techniques are being used for the advancement of medical treatment and provides a medal and […]
Crainio technology awarded STEM for Britain Gold Medal (Engineering)

Dr Tomas Abay received the Gold Metal for Engineering at the STEM for Britain awards held on March 9th, 2020, at the House of Commons. Tomas was responsible for early work on the technology behind Crainio. Since the medal was awarded, Crainio has continued to develop the technology, improving reliability and accuracy through the use […]